In-Book Tools
Within the covers of each Red Rocket Reader is a set of useful tools designed to support and guide the teacher:
KEY WORDS AND LETTERS are listed on the inside front covers so teachers can quickly discover the focus for each title. WORD COUNTS help simplify running records.
TEACHER TALK gives a brief introduction and overview of each story (its characters, plot, scene and vocabulary), to aid group discussions. Located on the inside front cover of every title.
TEACHING PLAN lists the reading strategies promoted in each text, plus the features of print to learn such as punctuation, suffixes, digraphs, contractions and compound words. Located on the inside front cover of every title.
FLASHCARDS on the inside back covers provide extra learning opportunities. Included in every title at the Pre-Reading, Emergent and Early Levels.
GLOSSARIES can be found on the inside back covers of all Non-Fiction titles from Early Level 2 and above.
WORD WHIZ Activity on the inside back cover of all Fiction titles from Fluency Level 1 – 4.
WORD POWER Activity on the inside back cover of all Fiction titles in the Advanced Fluency Levels 1 – 4.
TABLE OF CONTENTS in all non-fiction titles from Early Level 2 (yellow) and above.
Downloadable Tools
Register and login to view and download our printable resources.
WORKSHEETS for all titles are now available in PDF format. (Excludes Advanced Fluency Levels.)
View Worksheets
Comprehensive Lesson Plans for a number of Red Rocket Readers titles are available now. All others are in production and will be available as free printable PDFs throughout 2020. Ensure you’re signed up on our VIP list so we can keep you informed.
View Lesson Plans
RUNNING RECORDS for all titles can be downloaded free of charge in our VIP area. (Not including Alphabet Explorers and Advanced Fluency).
View Running Records
Lesson Briefs for all titles are now available in PDF format. Fluency Level 3 and Fluency Level 4 currently being created. (Excludes Advanced Fluency Levels.)
View Lesson Briefs
Online and Partner Resources
Use the filters in the online Bookshop to identify titles at the right levels, and with the characters, topics and standards you require.
Every Red Rocket Reader has been leveled by Heinemann and assigned an official F&P Guided Reading Level.
Search for titles at specific F&P Levels in the bookshop, using the widget in the sidebar at left of screen.
Lexile Levels: Every Red Rocket Reader has been assessed and assigned an official Lexile Measure.
Search for titles by Lexile level in the Bookshop, using the widget in the sidebar at left of screen.
Theme and Character Tags: Recurring characters, topics and themes are all identified with tags. You can now view collections of titles in the bookshop by simply clicking on a tag like “traditional tales” or “conservation”. Read more about Tags here
COLOUR CODED LEVELS allow children and teachers alike to see at a glance which level a book belongs to, making title selection and filing simple.
Artifact Tags help a teacher, parent or reader find a book with a specific topic, concept, learning objective, or reading level. Every Red Rocket Reader has been analysed by experts to identify more than 700+ different attribute types that appear in stories so you can search and select titles with story sequences, themes, or specific learning objectives.
Search for Artifact tags in the Bookshop, using the widget in the sidebar at left of screen.
KEY WORDS : Search for titles with the focus words you need in the Bookshop, using the filters in the sidebar.
Curriculum Links

EL Education K-5 Language Arts
This nationally acclaimed program engages students in compelling science & social studies topics, fostering skill and knowledge acquisition.
View titles aligned to the EL Education Language Arts K-5 Curriculum by module and grade level:

Common Core
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects asks students to read stories and literature, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies.

International Baccalaureate
Explore an extensive correlation of Red Rocket Readers titles with the Transdisciplinary Links, Themes and Year Levels of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme:
Download IB Mapping Chart (PDF)
View Correlations Online

Explore an extensive correlation of Red Rocket Readers titles with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts and Reading (TEKS):

Core Knowledge Language Arts
Core Knowledge Language Arts® (CKLA) is a comprehensive program (Preschool–Grade 5) for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in literature, world and American history, and the sciences.

Next Generation Science Standards
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are K-12 science content standards which set the expectations for what students should know and be able to do. The NGSS were developed by states to improve science education for all students.
3rd Party Assessment Tools

Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is the world-wide reading management technology that provides educators with an easy and effective way to assess and monitor reading practice. Schools participating in the Accelerated Reader program can access quizzes for more than 215 Red Rocket Reader titles from Renaissance Learning in the AR Bookfinder.

Amplify mCLASS:Reading 3D
mCLASS:Reading 3D combines quick indicators of foundational-skills development with a running-record Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) diagnostic to determine how students find meaning in text.
Progress Monitoring is available for 375 Red Rocket Readers titles.

Supplemental Classroom Libraries
Amplify have chosen Red Rocket Readers exclusively for their Knowledge Collection Libraries for Grades K-2. The high quality supplemental texts support the innovative Knowledge Strand of CKLA, helping students extend and apply their growing knowledge base with texts centered on social studies, science, literature and the arts.
The 12 Libraries each contain 12 titles, 3 texts below, on and above grade level, and in six packs of each. Contact Amplify direct to order.